Gitlab Omnibus on OpenSUSE 42.1

Author: thothonegan
Tags: opensuse linux gitlab

The omnibus is a really nice way to run Gitlab, however its only built for a few specific platforms. I use OpenSUSE Leap 42.1 and its not supported, but theirs a pretty easy way to use it.

Short is we use the CentOS/RHEL 7 packages, with a few minor tweaks.

  1. Install dependencies. See the normal install instructions, but roughly its install openssh and postfix (and enable).

  2. Install openssh-server-fake . OpenSSH is packaged as one package in opensuse (named openssh), so we need something to provide ‘openssh-server’ to make gitlab-ce’s package happy. If you want to build the packages yourself, just do rpmbuild -bb on this spec file.

zypper addrepo ''

This adds the gitlab repository for RHEL7. Since its a yum config, zypper will automatically add it (you can see it in zypper lr).

  1. zypper refresh

This will refresh all the repos like normal. You’ll probably get that gitlab-ce and gitlab-ce-sources are signed by an unknown GPG key : accept them.

  1. zypper install gitlab-ce

Downloads and installs the gitlab-ce package.

Now you continue with step 3 (Configure and Start Gitlab ) on the normal instructions at .